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New Templates are live on Tali
New Templates are live on Tali

Learn about our new templates for Referrals, Psychiatry, SOAP and Consult Notes

Harrison Reilly avatar
Written by Harrison Reilly
Updated over a week ago

Tali AI is excited to share that we are bringing more ways for clinicians to customize their notes by launching 7 New AI Scribe Templates:

  • Referral Letter

  • Consult Letter - Detailed

  • Psychiatry Consult Letter

  • Psychiatry Intake Note (Child and Youth)

  • SOAP - Merged A&P

  • Comprehensive SOAP

  • Social Worker Notes

Learn how to use these templates here.

Below, we break down what’s included in each template.

Referral Letter

Use the Referral Letter template to refer a patient to another clinician for care or advice. Save time referring patients to specialists for further evaluation or treatment of a specific condition.

Consult Letter - Detailed

Use the Consult Letter - Detailed when responding to a referring clinician about a referral request that was sent to your office regarding their patient. The detailed template is broken out into multiple sections, including HPI, ROS and more.

Psychiatry Consult Letter

The Psychiatry Consult Letter is similar to Tali’s existing Consult Letter template, but geared towards a Psychiatry encounter.

Psychiatry Comprehensive Intake Note (Child and Youth)

Use this Intake Note to bring structure to your psychiatry intake processes. This template will help you prepare a detailed summary of your patient encounter.

SOAP - Merged A&P

Use this SOAP template when looking to have the Assessment and Plan of the SOAP combined into one section to better customize Tali to your note taking preferences and style.

Comprehensive SOAP

A more comprehensive SOAP template broken down by: HPI, Past Medical History, Surgical History, Medications, Allergies, Immunizations, Review of Systems, Social History, Family History, Physical Examination, Lab Results, Imaging Results, Assessment and Plan.

Social Workers Notes

A template for Social Workers based on Social Work Theory, with notes broken down by: Identified Concerns, Interventions, Session Focus, Progress and Plan.

Have more questions? Want to see other templates added to Tali? Send us your feedback to [email protected]

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